Donation Sites

We have a number of donation sites around our community to make giving to Fishline easy!

Food Donations

Food donations that are not expired and are unopened, may be dropped off at Fishline Monday through Friday during the following hours:

Monday to Saturday
10am to 4pm

Please ring the bell by the donation sign and a volunteer will greet you. Please ask for a receipt if you would like one. Fishline accepts food donations during the hours above. Click here for a shopping list of our “most commonly needed items.”

Please do not leave food for donation outside of our service hours. Food that is left outside cannot be distributed.

Poulsbo Collection Barrels

You can also support Fishline by dropping off food donations in our big blue Fishline donation barrels, located near the entrances of:

  • Town and Country
  • Safeway
  • Kitsap Bank
  • Liberty Bank
  • 1st Security Bank
  • John L. Scott Realty (19723 10th Ave NE, Poulsbo, WA)
  • Poulsbo Parks and Recreation

Seasonally, other Poulsbo businesses, churches and organizations might also have Fishline donation barrels or boxes. And thank you for thinking of your Fishline neighbors each time you shop!

Clothing, Housewares, Home Decor and Accessories

Located in Poulsbo Village, Second Season is not your ordinary resale shop. Stocked with better-quality clothing, accessories and housewares, shopping becomes an adventure when you never know what you will find. To learn more click here.