This Week’s Most Needed Items

by | Mar 4, 2013 | News

Do you use a shopping list?  For many people, this is considered the best way to stay organized, save money, and most importantly:  not forget anything! 

For Fishline clients, the luxury of a shopping list is not always possible.  Some clients struggle to make their monthly, weekly, and even daily needs.  We are happy to be available to help with our Daily Market and Eboxes, just two of the food services that we offer. 

When you are making your shopping list this week — we hope you will remember Fishline, and add a few of our most needed items to your list!

Canned fruit is a great option for our clients, all throughout the year.  Collection bins for NK Fishline at Albertsons, Central Market, Red Apple, and Starbucks.  Please consider picking up some cans of canned fruit and dropping it off at these locations.

Canned Chili can provide a round meal option for our clients.  This item can be donated at any food drives or collection bins at Albertson’s, Central Market, Red Apple Grocery Store, or Starbucks in Poulsbo.   

Bottled water can be donated at any of the above locations.  Large multi-bottle packages can also be dropped off directly at the food bank.  We also recycle and collect empty water bottles.  These can also be dropped off at the food bank.  

Diapers (Sizes 3, 4, 5 & 6) There is always a need for baby/toddler sized diapers 3, 4, 5, and 6. These can be dropped off at the food bank, Albertson’s, Red Apple, or Central Market!  
