Wells Fargo volunteers
The spirit of the season is year-round for some local businesses and their employees. Take Poulsbo’s Wells Fargo team, for example. Each week one person from their branch joins our Wednesday morning crew, helping to stock our market’s shelves, receive donations, and pitch in where needed. Les Schwab owner Brett Clark not only gives his time as leader of Rotary’s Interact Club, but encourages volunteerism among his employees. In fact, at Les Schwab, fulfillment of community service plays a role in their promotion process. Other employers, like United Health Care, not only compensate employee volunteer time, but they’ll match that contribution in dollars. Workplace volunteerism is traditionally viewed as an employee benefit, but it’s a benefit to the whole community! More than 8 in 10 companies believe that volunteerism can help nonprofits accomplish long-term social goals (from a recent Deloitte survey). It’s a win-win and we’re fortunate to have these forward-thinking businesses right here in Kitsap to show use that you don’t have to be retired to volunteer! Why not ask your employer whether they offer workplace volunteerism as a benefit? If they don’t, maybe it’s time to start! If they do, we’d love to have you join us here at Fishline.