The 27th Annual Postal Carriers Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive will be on Saturday, May 11th. Set out your non-perishable food well before your letter carrier’s normal pick-up time and they will deliver to Fishline!
Looking for a volunteer opportunity? On May 11th bring your family, friends, co-workers, or organization to Fishline for the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive! We will need lots of help and there is plenty to do. Also, we will feed you lunch! Click and respond to the Facebook event here, and let our Volunteer Coordinator Diana know you are coming and the size of your group at [email protected].
US POSTAL SERVICE “STAMP OUT HUNGER” FOOD DRIVE – is just days away, read on to see how you can be part of this important fun event!
SATURDAY, MAY 11 – 11:00 AM until 5:30~ISH.
For those of you who’ve never experienced it, this is our single biggest food drive of the year.
Last year’s drive totaled 17,743 lbs of food to re-stock the food bank, which sustains us until the Holiday food drives begin each November.
In other words, IT’S AN IMPORTANT EVENT!
What else is it, you ask?
It’s a BBQ (beer-soaked brats and all the fixings) It’s music! It’s fun!
And there are LOTS of jobs for everyone that we hope you can help us with – such as:
*Set-up & take-down teams
*Route drivers ( 18 teams of 2)
*Volunteer check-in table
*Servers (of all the wonderful food!)
*Unloaders (of the cars coming in filled with donations)
*Weigh-table (to weigh and tally the lbs)
*Sorters – LOTS of them
*Storage organizers
DRIVERS: Start time: ~10:30am and 11:00 am. Teams of 2 follow postal routes and pick up food that donors have left by their mailboxes.
When their cars are full, they return to Fishline where teams onsite will unload, weigh & record the lbs they’ve collected. If necessary, those driver teams will go back out to finish the route they’ve been assigned.
ONSITE VOLUNTEERS: Choose from the jobs above. We’ll give you complete instructions, as well as your start-times. (Set-up usually begins ~9:00 am; take-down usually begins ~5:00 pm – to be confirmed.)
CALL OR EMAIL DIANA at [email protected]