Message from Lori Maxim, Fishline’s Executive Director: Mask Information

by | Mar 10, 2022 | News

Dear Clients,

As many of you know, Governor Inslee is lifting the mask restrictions for indoors as of March 12th. Based upon input from staff, volunteers, and clients, Fishline has decided to continue to require masks in all public areas for the next 30 days.

We did not make this decision easily. Our market is very small and several clients have told us they would be unable to continue shopping if the masking requirement was lifted. In our Comprehensive Services Center, we have a dental clinic; the CDC still requires masks for all medical clinics.

Our team will continue to monitor and determine any protocol changes, based on current data provided by the Kitsap County Department of Health. Thank you so much for your patience. I sincerely hope in the next few months, we can continue to remove restrictions.

With Gratitude,

Lori Maxim

(360) 208-0103
