NK’s Fishline helps over 7,000 clients annually

by | Dec 13, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Fishline Food Bank was born in the time of the first ATM, floppy disc and Pong, and the Poulsbo Lions Raab Foundation Bellringer Fund has been there to help.

First Lutheran, St. Charles Episcopal, St. Olaf’s Catholic Parish and Suquamish Congregational Church came together for the birth of Fishline in 1967. It is now one of the oldest food banks in the nation.

Fishline opened the expanded facility of today in 2018, earning recognition for excellence and innovation in its comprehensive services. It has grown a lot from its original space in St. Charles Episcopal Church. The food bank has expanded its evening hours to provide assistance to those who work.

“Assistance” includes everything from help with rent and utilities to mental health counseling, vision care in conjunction with the Poulsbo Lions, showers and clothing for the unhoused, job placement and dental services. The need for those things has increased more than 40%.

Volunteers have donated 33,101 hours this year. Charlie Thompson, executive director, said Fishline helps more than 2,760 households per year and more than 7,200 clients annually. The average age of clients is 45, down from 49. Members from more than 180 households visited the market on a recent day.

Reposted from The Kitsap Daily News, December 3, 2024
