Our vision is a community where a safety net exists for all people. Fishline serves the community by providing food, emergency services and resources to transform lives. We are dedicated to opening our doors, arms and hearts.
There are disparities inherent in our society that deeply impact black, brown, and indigenous people. Fishline is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion for all people to access adequate food, shelter, healthcare and employment.
We stand for what is right and against what is wrong: Racism, racial injustice and discrimination are wrong. Silence equals consent. We will not be silent.
Fishline’s service area includes a sovereign tribal nation and is the historical homeland of the Suquamish people. While there are people of color who reside locally, Fishline recognizes that it is in a predominantly white community. We are committed to our clients, partners, communities of color and anyone affected by inequality. We study, train, and focus on details that allow all to feel welcome.
The tragic death of George Floyd sparked an outcry that awakened the nation to the inequality that black people are subjected to and created a call to action.
A simple statement is not enough. Fishline is committed to being part of the change- not just with words, but with meaningful actions both within our organization and our community:
- We will treat each other with respect, kindness and compassion.
- We commit to learning.
- We commit to evolving.
- We commit to being involved.
We reaffirm our commitment to fulfill our mission and to serve our community in ways that racism, racial injustice and discrimination will not be tolerated.
-Fishline Board of Directors