It’s Not to Late for Your End of Year Gift!

Thank you for the gifts you have shared with Fishline in 2019! We are so thankful for your generosity. Year end offerings may be made online here or by mail (PO Box 1517, Poulsbo, WA 98370) until December 31st.

Christmas Child Sponsor Locations: Pick Up Your 2019 Tags Today!

Again this Christmas Season, Fishline Foodbank and Comprehensive Services will be offering our “Christmas Child” program. We invite the community to join us in making the holidays special for families in North Kitsap and help fulfill Christmas wishes for our local...

Christmas Child Program: We Need Giving Tree Sponsors!

Christmas Season 2019 Dear North Kitsap Neighbor, Again this Christmas season, Fishline Foodbank and Comprehensive Services will be offering our “Christmas Child” program. We invite you to join us in making the holidays special for families in North Kitsap and help...

Most Needed Items, Week of Nov 6

We are in need of the following items: turkey, ham, canned fruit, eggs, butter, celery, sweet potatoes and pies! We also need grocery shopping bags for the market! Food donations that are not expired and are unopened, may be dropped off at Fishline Monday thru Friday...

Fishline’s Annual Supply Drive for the Homeless, Oct 1-31

As the cold weather months are approaching, it’s crucial that we keep a well stocked inventory of supplies for our homeless clients. These items can help our community’s most vulnerable stay comfortable and warm during the fall and winter season. We are collecting the...

Fishline is Looking for an Architect!

Fishline is looking for some help from a professional architect who is willing to donate their services for a simple project. We’re hoping to construct several internal, half-walls within our administrative office to create another work space and need someone to help...