Fishline Current: June 10

Fishline Current: Upcoming Events, Classes and Reminders!  Our SOS program (Stability, Opportunity, Success) goes beyond our basis services and works closely with other providers and agencies to offer our clients a  path beyond difficult times: by...

Building Community Connections at Fishline

Fishline has been in the business of helping people for over 48 years, however we are really just an extension of something much larger than ourselves, that power we loosely attribute as “heartfelt compassion”.  Recently received calls from community members...

Stamp Out Hunger was a HUGE SUCCESS!

 Thank you to all our Poulsbo letter carriers who picked up food this past Saturday for Stamp Out Hunger! These hard working carriers are not required to participate in this annual event, yet ALL of the local routes opted in! Just another example of how awesome...

Recipes from the Market: Lentils

On the menu this week? LENTILS! Commonly misunderstood but nutritious, delicious and cheap! Charlene made a salad and a soup that filled the market with flavorful smells, attracting clients to try the delightful dishes and learn more about how to prepare them....

Volunteer Appreciation Week at NK Fishline

Since 1967, thousands of volunteers have served our community through NK Fishline by giving their time, talent and heart. Currently, we have over 250 volunteers who are actively making a difference in the lives of our neighbors. These past and present volunteers are...