by Alane | Apr 26, 2013 | News
It takes a certain kind of generous spirit to see within every act an opportunity to serve and help. Such was the case for a local couple who recently helped North Kitsap Fishline Food Bank in a most unusual way.While having a dinner of Costco rotisserie...
by Alane | Apr 25, 2013 | News
This week is Volunteer Appreciation Week, a few days set aside to celebrate the gift of time and energy given by so many in our country and community. Fishline could not accomplish its mission without the hundreds of hands and hearts of its volunteers, and we...
by Alane | Apr 12, 2013 | News
One of the great rewards of my job is to see the transformation that takes place at Fishline every weekday morning. While sharing stories of their lives, discussing current events or passing along tips on preparing asparagus, volunteers bring their best game, and a...
by Alane | Apr 10, 2013 | News
Cat food (and dog food) are an important and sometimes overlooked donation that is much needed at NK Fishline. Many people who have come upon hard times have pets that depend on them, and helping to provide for all our family members is important! When...
by Alane | Apr 9, 2013 | News
When Christa Bethel asked her daughter Alexis what she wanted to do for her birthday party earlier this month, she had it all planned out: a sleepover with friends, pretty dresses, a “fancy” dinner, bubbly fruity soda drinks in fancy glasses. Pretty much...
by Alane | Apr 5, 2013 | News
For many years, every Monday morning at 5 am Dr. Charlie DeWilde of Liberty Bay Chiropractic Massage & Laser Center starts his week off with a very practical expression of his commitment to North Kitsap Fishline. He picks up produce items from Central Market,...