by Alane | Apr 4, 2013 | News
Pictured are many (but not all!) of the volunteers and staff who participated in the Fish Bucksdesign and implementation. The North Kitsap Fishline Food Bank & Emergency Services has been recognized by Food Lifeline with the Excellence in Client Services...
by Alane | Mar 29, 2013 | News
As the weather gets nicer, many groups and businesses hold food drives during this time of the year! It’s always a good time to support NK Fishline, but during the spring — it’s especially fun to get out, enjoy the sunshine, and do some good in the...
by Alane | Mar 19, 2013 | News
Do you have gently used camping gear that you are no longer using? Are you updating your old gear to buy new gear? We are in need of tents, sleeping bags, and any other camping gear that you can provide! We have many homeless in our area that depend on these...
by Alane | Mar 18, 2013 | News
When a local resident comes to Fishline for help, it is often after many months of worry. Like perhaps we might be if we faced hard times, the strong, self-reliant part of our nature insists that we can handle our troubles. It can be embarrassing to admit we...
by Alane | Mar 7, 2013 | News
For the second Christmas in a row, Blue Heron Jewelry has organized a fundraiser for Fishline that has been an extraordinary success. By offering their customers a coupon for a significant percentage off their purchase price, Blue Heron donates that...
by Alane | Mar 5, 2013 | News
If you have tried to shop in Downtown Poulsbo in the last few weeks, you were likely greeted with big signs and arrows redirecting you somewhere else! There was some serious work being done to the parking lot! The changes have been tedious, but well worth the...