Neighbors Helping Neighbors: In Her Own Words

by | Sep 17, 2012 | News

The economy hit a major low, and I was feeling depressed about how it was affecting so many people, myself included. That’s when I remembered my parents saying “Don’t think about yourself, serve others and you’ll feel better in no time.” That statement is so true, and I became a North Kitsap Fishline food bank volunteer. 

I work as a volunteer sorting produce and placing the chosen produce in the market for our clients. As a produce sorter, we are trained to present the best possible products to our clients on a daily basis. We also fill the request for emergency boxes, that include various items clients receive once each month. 

Being a volunteer has been most rewarding. I work with a group of wonderful people who spend their time at Fishline filled with laughter and work. Working with these ladies weekly creates a strong and positive environment that seems to keep all of us coming back. This is the feeling all the volunteers and staff generate. 

Fishline is truly “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”. When I am through volunteering for the day, I feel truly thankful and grateful for all the fine, hard-working people who make up this organization and the opportunity to participate.

Written by Carmen Hassold, Tuesday Volunteer

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer? Click here to visit our online application or email our volunteer coordinator.
