by Alane | Jul 17, 2015 | News
Big thanks to the USS Nevada GOLD crew second class association for coming in and volunteering at Fishline today, we appreciate you!! #usnavy #neighborshelpingneighbors #nkfishlineGirl Scout Troop 44498 decided to use a portion of their cookie money earned...
by Alane | Jul 7, 2015 | News
Last year, Fishline submitted a request to the State of Washington for Legislative Appropriation support during the State’s 2015/2016 budget cycle. Early support from our local legislators and city leadership helped Fishline secure a place at the top of the...
by Alane | Jun 12, 2015 | News
Today Hailey (Hailey’s Harvest) and her family dropped by Fishline with the following items for our homeless clients: a check to cover the cost of 10 PO boxes for a year, I was able to give North Kitsap Fishline a check to cover the cost of 10 PO boxes for a...
by Alane | Jun 10, 2015 | News
Fishline Current: Upcoming Events, Classes and Reminders! Our SOS program (Stability, Opportunity, Success) goes beyond our basis services and works closely with other providers and agencies to offer our clients a path beyond difficult times: by...
by Alane | Jun 1, 2015 | News
Fishline has been in the business of helping people for over 48 years, however we are really just an extension of something much larger than ourselves, that power we loosely attribute as “heartfelt compassion”. Recently received calls from community members...