Letter from the Director: Fishline State Grant to Further Our Mission and Growth


Last year, Fishline submitted a request to the State of Washington for Legislative Appropriation support during the State’s 2015/2016 budget cycle.  Early support from our local legislators and city leadership helped Fishline secure a place at the top of the preferred funding list, but we knew that this would be a unique session – proven by the three special sessions needed to formalize an agreement. 

After holding our breath for many months, we received word that the State has granted Fishline $625,000 for its capital projects.  This extraordinary funding will combine with our Birkenfeld Foundation grant to draw down our new mortgage and allow us to move forward with our plans to build an extension for storage and food processing. 
You cannot imagine the joy we feel knowing we can proceed with the work we are doing, affirmed by this generous support and the support of so many others.  To operate out of this special new facility, is a gift that will give today and for decades to come.

 Many people came together to make this possible, including a hearty team of board members who helped write the grant, but we are especially grateful to Rep. Drew Hansen, Rep. Sherry Appleton and Sen. Christine Rolfes for supporting us with such passion and determination.  They fought hard for us.  And it was Mayor Becky Erickson’s early efforts to inform us about this funding then shepherding it through both houses, even offering to drive to Olympia to lobby on our behalf, which were consistent throughout and have made all the difference.

Thanks to all of you for your dedication to the Fishline mission and for the awesome facility and services that you have made possible.  Now with the help of this capital campaign, we can assure Fishline’s security and ability to serve this community for as long as people need us.  Congratulations to you all for your good work and inspiring example.

Mary Nader
Executive Director