We appreciate the generosity of all of our grantors!
These grants are listed with the most recent award first.
Bainbridge Community Foundation
Award Amount $18,800
North Kitsap Fishline is supported in part by Pay It Forward & Bainbridge Community Foundation along with the Bob and Judy Karr Family Fund, HIllside Fund, Leslie and Michael Lebeau Philanthropic Fund, Pay It Forward Fund, Saber Fund, Sonya Marinoni, and Libby Shonsey & Dave Johnson.
Pay It Forward & Bainbridge Community Foundation
Award Amount $2000
North Kitsap Fishline is supported in part by Pay It Forward & Bainbridge Community Foundation. This particular gift will be used for food and housing assistance.
Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
Award Amount $2000
This recent grant from Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe went directly to our Market Food Programs, including our Healthy Table initiative, Food for Thought program, and our Gardening initiatives.
Cambia Health Employee Giving Grant
Award Amount $2000
The Cambia Health Solutions Fund is a corporate, donor-advised fund that makes grants to many nonprofits in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Utah. Cambia Health’s employees recommend grant recipients from the fund. We are honored to be among those recommended.
Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance
Award Amount $5000
Thanks to a nomination by Brown & Brown of WA., dba Edgren Hecker & Lemmon Insurance, Liberty Mutual and Safeco Insurance will be making a $5,000 donation directly to North Kitsap Fishline on their behalf. The grant is meant to ease some of the financial stress brought on during this difficult time.
Amerigroup Sponsorship
Award Amount $5,000
This sponsorship from Amerigroup was given to help support our efforts to provide for those affected by illness, changes in employment, unemployment, or other life changes due to COVID-10.
Suquamish Tribal Funds
Award Amount $6,000
A portion of this gift ($2500) supports our Food for Thought program. The additional portion was given to help our organization as we navigate the challenges that COVID-19 poses to our community.
Quail Roost Foundation
Award Amount $1,000
Quail Roost Foundation makes national and international grants in the areas of: All Creatures (Animal Welfare), Education, Emergency Relief, Health, Home Community (Taos County, NM and surrounding areas), Justice, and Sustainability. The intention of this gift is to help our organization as we navigate the challenges that COVID-19 poses to our community.
Medina Foundation Grant, Medina Foundation
Award Amount $25,000
The Medina Foundation is a family foundation that works to foster positive change in the Greater Puget Sound area. In honoring the vision of their founder, Norton Clapp, the Medina Foundation aspires to improve lives by funding human service organizations that provide direct support to Puget Sound residents. Today, the family continues Norton Clapp’s legacy by funding innovative organizations that approach tough problems with new ideas and solutions, as well as proven programs that have been meeting the needs of the community for many years.
Brian Montgomery Endowment Fund, Kitsap Community Foundation
Award Amount $5000
An unrestricted fund set up by the Montgomery Family, in memory of their son Brian. Funds from this endowment are directed by KCF board members where they are most needed in the community.
2019 BCF Community Grants Cycle Grant, Bainbridge Community Foundation
Award Amount $10,200
The mission of the Bainbridge Community Foundation is to encourage, inspire, and provide meaningful ways for people to enhance and sustain our community. Over the past 18 years, BCF has grown to $14 million in assets and has contributed more than $13.6 million to important causes that matter. With the invaluable assistance of its volunteers, donors, and funding partners, BCF will continue building a lasting and positive legacy for Bainbridge Island.
Kitsap Strong Collaborative Learning Academy, Kitsap Strong
Award Amount $2500
Fishline received a grant as part of Kitsap Strong’s 2018-2019 Collaborative Learning Academy Cohort. The grant has gone towards facilitating education about the science behind how adversity & trauma impact our brain development and life-long health, and the exploration of techniques & strategies for building resilience.
Squaxin Island Tribal Grant for Food for Thought, Squaxin Island Tribe
Award Amount, $2500
The Squaxin Island Tribe is happy to share the benefits of Little Creek Casino Resort with neighboring government and charitable organizations. The Tribe also offers one percent of its gross profits to local charitable organizations. Recipients include local food banks, youth sports groups, etc.
Kitsap Bank
Award Amount, $2500
Kitsap Bank actively supports a wide range of non-profit organizations, including arts and culture, education and schools, environmental and sustainability, homeless and hunger, economic and business development, children and youth causes, and more. This gift directly supports our Food for Thought program.
Poulsbo Garden Club
Award Amount, $437
Thank you Poulsbo Garden Club, for helping our Fishline Garden program grow!
Walmart Foundation
Award Amount, $1000
The Walmart Foundation “seeks to create value in the communities around the world where we operate, strengthening them through local grants supporting programs that help them thrive.” This grant supports our Healthy Table initiative.
Lummi Indian Business Council
Award Amount, $1000
Thank you Lummi Indian Business Council for supporting our Food for Thought program!
Kitsap Strong Collaborative Learning Academy, Kitsap Strong
Award Amount $1250
Fishline received a grant as part of Kitsap Strong’s 2018-2019 Collaborative Learning Academy Cohort. The grant has gone towards facilitating education about the science behind how adversity & trauma impact our brain development and life-long health, and the exploration of techniques & strategies for building resilience.
Tulalip Tribe
Award Amount, $5000
The Tulalip Tribes “strives to work together with the community to give benefits back to others to help build a stronger neighborhood. That’s why, in Tulalip, it is traditional to “raise our hands” to applaud and give thanks to those who have given to us. We “raise our hands” to the numerous organizations in our region that contribute to our communities.” This gift went into our Food for Thought program.
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians
Award Amount, $2500
Thank you Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians for this gift which supports our Food for Thought program.
Muckleshoot Casino
Award Amount, $10,000
The Muckleshoot Indian Tribe “has long understood the importance of being proactive in meeting the needs of its community. The Muckleshoot Charity Fund has placed high priority in awarding grants to organizations throughout the region that address the unique local and regional issues facing the population.” Half of this gift supports Healthy Table and with other half supporting Food for Thought.