Packing Backpacks!

Thank you to Girl Scout Troop 45095! These young ladies packed 90 backpacks this morning for our School Supplies program!

There’s a place for everyone at Fishline!

A Fishline friend brought his baby goats to help clear the weeds, proof that there’s a place for everyone at Fishline! ‪#‎volunteersneeded‬ ‪#‎shareyourgifts‬ ‪#‎anyonecanbeavolunteer‬ ‪#‎joinourteam‬Join our volunteer team today by emailing...

Summer is No Vacation from Hunger & Homelessness

Summer is No Vacation from Hunger & Homelessness! At Fishline we work hard to provide for those in need from January to December. Donations during June, July and August slow down greatly as people take vacations, change to a summer schedule, and are generally...

We Welcome Group Volunteers for Special Events and Work Parties!

Big thanks to the USS Nevada GOLD crew second class association for coming in and volunteering at Fishline today, we appreciate you!! ‪#‎usnavy‬ ‪#‎neighborshelpingneighbors‬ ‪#‎nkfishline‬Girl Scout Troop 44498 decided to use a portion of their cookie money earned...

Hailey’s Harvest Drops Off Items for the Homeless!

Today Hailey (Hailey’s Harvest) and her family dropped by Fishline with the following items for our homeless clients: a check to cover the cost of 10 PO boxes for a year, I was able to give North Kitsap Fishline a check to cover the cost of 10 PO boxes for a...