by Alane | Jul 22, 2015 | News
Summer is No Vacation from Hunger & Homelessness! At Fishline we work hard to provide for those in need from January to December. Donations during June, July and August slow down greatly as people take vacations, change to a summer schedule, and are generally...
by Alane | Jul 17, 2015 | News
Big thanks to the USS Nevada GOLD crew second class association for coming in and volunteering at Fishline today, we appreciate you!! #usnavy #neighborshelpingneighbors #nkfishlineGirl Scout Troop 44498 decided to use a portion of their cookie money earned...
by Alane | Jul 7, 2015 | News
Last year, Fishline submitted a request to the State of Washington for Legislative Appropriation support during the State’s 2015/2016 budget cycle. Early support from our local legislators and city leadership helped Fishline secure a place at the top of the...
by Alane | Jun 12, 2015 | News
Today Hailey (Hailey’s Harvest) and her family dropped by Fishline with the following items for our homeless clients: a check to cover the cost of 10 PO boxes for a year, I was able to give North Kitsap Fishline a check to cover the cost of 10 PO boxes for a...
by Alane | Jun 10, 2015 | News
Fishline Current: Upcoming Events, Classes and Reminders! Our SOS program (Stability, Opportunity, Success) goes beyond our basis services and works closely with other providers and agencies to offer our clients a path beyond difficult times: by...