An Environment Where Promising Futures Can Grow

As we come closer to the move to our new facility, you can feel a new energy pulsing through the halls of our food bank on 3rd Avenue.  This is the energy of possibility, which partially comes about because ideas that have lied dormant in the minds and hearts of our staff and volunteers can […]

Village is Making a New Home Become a Reality

Photo Credit:  Nichole Connor There is a popular adage, “It takes a village”, that reminds us that there are some goals that cannot be reached alone. This has always been the case for Fishline, whose mission would be impossible to realize were it not for the legions of helping hands and hearts that everyday come […]

We Need Volunteers!! Can you help?!

There are several volunteer positions open at this time – please let us know if you or someone you know might be interested in helping us fill them.  You can fill out a volunteer application online by clicking here. Drivers: Take on a single grocery store run or be a substitute.  All that’s needed is […]

A Special Thank You to Our New Building Remodel Crew!

Photo Credit:  Nichole Connor While our focus at NK Fishline is to provide food and emergency services to the community, we have spent a little over a month now on a very important project: our new building remodel. The new-to-us space will help to provide a much needed expansion from our current location, and allow […]

New Year Brings New Hope as Fishline Moves Forward with New Building Project

These are tearful times at Fishline. Not so much because we’re sad – no, these are a different type of tears. They are the kind that Edgar Allen Poe most certainly had been thinking about when he wrote, “Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.”These are tears […]